viernes, mayo 01, 2020

Alpha Blue D20

I've just released a D20 version of Alpha Blue.  If you're familiar with Alpha Blue already, let me warn you... this is not what you're expecting.

Here's the DriveThruRPG link!

For better or worse, Alpha Blue D20 shifted in tone, along with the mechanics.  I honestly don't know if it was the right move, but this is the version that materialized.  Please, let me know what you think.  And if you playtest it (like I hope to over the next couple weeks), tell me about it!

As with the latest iteration of Crimson Dragon Slayer, this is meant for one-shots and short campaigns.

The PDF is free and really short (7 pages, including a cover, credits page, and full-page artwork).  Doesn't get any more bare bones than this.  If you're at all familiar with D&D (old school or 5e), grokking the system should be a no-brainer.

Also, hope everyone is surviving out there!


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